Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Our AC is out, and has been for several hot, miserable, mean days. Am waiting for the repairman, the repairman who was supposed to be here at 8:00 am. I'll update when I can do it without complaining about the heat and how hot I am and how hot the house is, etc. Hot. Hothothot.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Who We Are

Hi. My name is Sarah. I'm a 33 year old mom of three swell little kids. (Aren't all little kids swell? Indeed.) We live in North Carolina, in a little town just north of Raleigh. It's a great place to live, especially if you grew up in eastern Kentucky and don't ask for/expect much. We began homeschooling my oldest son, Ian, in January of 2008, halfway through his second grade year. My middle daughter, seven year old Allison, joined us last month, at the end of her first grade year. Our school is The Ashland School, named after the city in KY where my son was born, and our mascot (also chosen by the very cool Ian) is the Fighting Chimeras. (Aren't all Chimeras fighting? Yes, probably.)
See our t-shirts? Sharpies and cheap tees are the bee's knees. We made these for a homeschool group zoo trip. We are very fortunate that we live in an area with a very active, large homeschool community. The group is well-organized and there's always (always!) something going on, thanks to a bunch of energetic, creative parents. A poorly-edited but nice article about the group can be found here.
The purpose of this blog is to keep family and friends up-to-date, to share neat things we find and do, and to keep a record of our kids' education. We've had a blast (a very educational blast) so far, and we're looking forward to all the possibilities each day brings.
This week I'll write a bit more about what we study, how we do it, why we homeschool, and will update the status of our classroom. (We just moved in to our new house a month ago, and have a large loft that serves as our class. So far, we have three desks, a ton of books, and have painted a blackboard on the wall, but we have lots more planned. Ideas are welcome!)
Right now, it's time to get everyone settled down. Bedtime is in an hour, and then I'm going to relax, listen to some music, and get this place cleaned up. Huzzah.

Monday, June 15, 2009

A Fresh Start

I've tried this blog twice before, and each time I've given up on it, so swamped with everything else that's going on that it doesn't even merit a run-on sentence or hastily-taken picture. I'm proud to say that I've relaxed my blog standards enough that a sentence or sorry-looking photo will do just fine. Welcome to The Ashland School Fighting Chimeras Homeschool Bloggery!