Sunday, September 27, 2009

things could not be better/things could be a little better, yeah.

I had been so sickeningly up-with-people this week. Everything was going beautifully! Lessons were completed, Latin was memorized, books on Magellan were read without complaint. We went to storytime at the library on Tuesday and saw lots of friends there. We went to one of our group game days on Thursday, and although it was supposed to be word game day and my kids refused to move away from Pokemon Monopoly, they had a blast. Friday we went to an apple orchard, and it was just blissful. The kids learned about farming, were able to taste-test different kinds of apples, helped make cider, went on a hayride, and picked their own Winesap apples (yum!) When we got home, we had a huge package from our awesome Greek penpal, Panagiotis, waiting for us. How (how?!) could it possibly get any better than that?
Saturday we all got the flu.

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